How to count people in Irish
When you're counting people in Irish, you use an entirely different number system. What's unique about this number system is that it isn't followed by a noun. For example, the word "beirt" translates to "two people". The word "duine", which means "person" or "people" is often used following the number, but isn't necessary for all numbers, only some of them. is often used If you wish to specify the type of people (women, men, children, guests, girls or boys, for instance), these nouns may be added after the number.
Aon duine amháin = One person
Beirt = Two people
Triùr = Three people
Ceathrar = Four people
Cúigear = Five people
Seisear = Six people
Seachtar = Seven people
Ochtar = Eight people
Naonúr = Nine people
Deichniúr = Ten people
Fiche duine = Twenty people
Tríocha duine = Thirty people
Daichead duine = Forty people
Caoga duine = Fifty people
Seasca duine = Sixty people
Seachtó duine = Seventy people
Ochtó duine = Eighty people
Nócha duine = Ninety people
Céad duine = Hundred people
Míle duine = Thousand people
Some words you may find useful with this lesson:
Páistí = Children
Cailíní = Girls
Buachaillí = Boys
Ban = Women
Fear = Men
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