Flashcards Set 16: Ordinal Numbers!
- The letter "t" is added in front of a number starting with a vowel.
- For the numbers 11-19, their ordinal numbers are simply the ordinal numbers for 1-9 (with an additional letter "ú" attached to end) followed by "déag" right after it.
- For numbers greater than 20, their ordinal numbers are simply the ordinal numbers for 1-9 (with an additional letter "ú" attached to end) followed by the word "is" and the number in the tens position. For example, "35th" is "an séú is tríocha".
- For numbers greater than 199, their ordinal numbers are the normal cardinal numbers for the number of hundreds followed by the ordinal number for 100. For example, "300th" is "trí chéad".
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